飫肥城 旧本丸跡日南市指定丈化財 平成3年8月1日指定Obi Castle Old Hon Maru (Municipal Cultural Heritage since August 1st,1991) 飫肥城関連ページ → 飫肥メインページはこちら |
[飫肥城へのアクセス] 日南市飫肥(おび)10丁目1-2 飫肥城の場所 [Mapfan] (駐車場の位置) 旧本丸跡の場所 緯度経度 N= E= (駐車場) 日本測地系 旧本丸跡へは、大手門を入り、順路に沿って奥へ。 |
Old Hon Maru(Municipal Cultural Heritage since August
1st,1991) 750 meters long and 500meters wide, Obi Castle was a large building divided into 13 areas(kuruwa)7.An Inubaba was also included among the castle grounds. During the practice of archery,lords would command dogs to run within a square area and would then try to shoot them with their arrows. These exercises used to take place in the area called Inubaba. The large moats dividing the districts were made of white lava.They were specific to the architecture of Southern Kyushu castles during the middle ages. During the age of Civil Wars. Obi Castle was defeat against the Shimazu Family,but in 1587, Hideyoshi Toyotomi offered the domaini of Obi to Suketake Ito in return for his help during the Kyushu campaign. The Ito family governed the Obi Castle until the Meiji period. Inside the fortifications, the districts were named Honmaru, Matsuo No Maru,Nakanoshiro,Imashiro, Nishi No Maru and Kita No Maru. Kita No Maru was a temporary area until the assembly of the actual Hon Maru finished in 1693. It is now located on the grounds of Obi Elemeentary School. The old Hon Maru was once the residence of the reigning lord. The Hon Maru was moved after being destroyed 3 times in 1662,1680 and 1686 by rearthquakes. |
飫肥城 本丸跡の写真飫肥小のグラウンドがある場所に、かつて飫肥城本丸がありました。飫肥小校舎の外観は、景観を意識したものとなっておりました。 飫肥城 旧本丸跡の写真樹齢140年の飫肥杉 木漏れ日 一面に広がった苔の絨毯 そこは癒される空間 |
飫肥城旧本丸跡は 苔むした地面に飫肥杉が繁り、心休まる場所です。 一度 訪れてみてください。 |
日南市 飫肥城(おび城) 旧本丸 本丸跡-このページが宮崎観光/宮崎旅行のお役に立てれば幸いです- - 2014/01 掲載- (撮影は2013/05) The contents of this site are written in Japanese only Please use English translationsite. |
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